Serving the needs of archery in Harrow, Middlesex and London.


The Bowmen of Harrow Archery Club has been established now for over 40 years, with one of the few dedicated indoor ranges in the country. The indoor range is available 7 days a week (6:30pm to 10:30pm on Weekdays, 1:30pm to 10:30pm on Saturdays and 9am to 9pm on Sundays), excluding those periods when the range is used for tuition, courses, or competitions. We are also able to shoot outdoors up to 100 yards, and are able to accommodate the over shoot required for compound bows.

We have a number of member only events held during the years such as the St. George’s Day shoot, the St. Crispin’s Days shoot, and the outdoor Club Championships and Barbecue. During the indoor season we take part in a Portsmouth League (indoors), a Frostbite League (outdoors), and a Worcester League (indoors). During the outdoor season we participate in the Middlesex Short Metric League.

The club works in partnership with the John Lyon School, who use the indoor range for archery lessons as part of their sports program. The club has many times in the past hosted the ancient and traditional Silver Arrow contest between John Lyon school and Harrow school.

The club has also in the past provided training facilities to the borough of Harrow for their London Youth Games team.


  • Catering facilities
  • Disabled facilities limited, but some access is available depending on disability.
    Please get in touch with us via the ‘Contact Us’ page for more information.
  • Private parking

Safeguarding Policy

The Bowmen of Harrow has adopted the Archery GB Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy and Procedures. A copy of the Policy is kept at the Club for members to look at. Information regarding safeguarding is also available on the Archery GB web site at

Please note, all junior (under 18) members and visitors must be accompanied at all times by a parent, guardian or carer.

The clubs safeguarding officer can be contacted by emailing


A short history written by our late Chairman and a founder member Robert Abbott. In his memory this has been preserved as he wrote it, so not everything is up to date. Comments in italics have been added where this is the case.

“The Bowmen of Harrow archery club came into being around 1975-7, but it was not known as The Bowmen of Harrow. It was formed from two groups of archers. One group from the night school classes at Barnhill school at Hayes, run by Dennis Hardinges. The other group came from the advanced classes at Queensmead Leisure centre, run by Roy Biggs of Ruislip Bowmen.”

“We formed a club at Queensmead and it ran for about 18 months. It then got too expensive to belong to, and the lateness of our shooting time made it impossible to carry on there. Whilst we were at Queensmead, we met an archer from Cheshire, David Gallegher. He was the grounds man at the John Lyon School, and he invited us to shoot with him at the school’s grounds. We did this for about a year, when he suggested if the school agreed we could and would form a club in the school grounds, and this has been our grounds for over 30 years now (at the time of writing).”

“At first we did not have an indoor shooting facility but we hired the great barn at Ruislip. One night after a shooting session some one said how great it would be to have our own indoor range.”

“We purchased 2 site huts from the large construction company John Lang. We modified the huts and had our own 20 yard indoor range. Being at the school we could shoot any out door distance we wanted: 20 to 100 yards; 18 to 90 metres. This served us well when it came to tournaments, as we had 24-7 shooting for practice.”

“We have had a great deal of success. We have had 2 of our members take part in the Olympics, Peter Knapp for rowing and Gary Hardinges for archery. Being asked by councillor Peter Pitt, Nicky and Robert Abbott reinstated the Harrow Silver arrow tournament, a tournament between Harrow school and John Lyon school, with their greatful thanks to the members of the club.” – Robert Abbott.


Meet our Committee

Kit Tang
Krishna Patel
Ayesha Malpas-Barb
Hon. President
Malcolm Yates

 League Officer
Joe Malpas-Barb

Public Relations Officer
Ainsleigh Barber

Records Officer
Akshay Kapoor

Social Secretary
Angelina Theodorou
Safeguarding Officer
Khuzuma Akhtar

Tournaments Officer
James Mooney

Equipment Officer
Ben Smith

Kyri Theodorou

Training Officer
Irene Lawrence

Club Coach
Membership Secretary
Noelle Burton

Catering Officer
Sui-Man Kuet

Club Administrator
Martin Benton

Facilities Officer
Stephen Torroni

Kit Tang

Ted Hawkins