Serving the needs of archery in Harrow, Middlesex and London.

Course Feedback Form

    Thank you for attending your Bowmen of Harrow Archery course!

    We’d like to receive your feedback so we can make these sessions the best they can be. Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability, it should only take a few minutes.


    Completion date of your course:

    1. How did you find out about our archery courses?

    2. Was our venue easy to find?

    [group easytofind] [/group]

    3. What do you think about our club facilities?

    4. What did you enjoy most about your archery course?

    5. How would you rate your communication with the Bowmen of Harrow?

    6. Would you recommend our archery courses to others?

    [group reccomendno] [/group]

    7. How would you rate the tuition you received during your course?

    8. Finally, is there any way in which you think we could improve our beginner courses?