Serving the needs of archery in Harrow, Middlesex and London.

Junior Course Application

    Course Selection

    We offer 2 archery courses at our club, please tick as required (multiple selections allowed)

    Junior's Name

    Date of Birth:

    Parent/Guardian's Name


    Contact Info

    Emergency Contact

    Medical History

    [group MedicalConditions] Please provide details of the junior's medical conditions below, be as descriptive as you can. [/group]
    [group medical2] Please provide details of the junior's enhanced accessibility requirements or physical impairments below, be as descriptive as you can. [/group]
    [group courserequest]
    Please provide details of the junior's specific requests of your archery beginner course coaching team below, be as descriptive as you can.

    Consent section

    Tick the boxes to agree with the statement

    Survey section

    [group archeryexperiancegroup]
    Please provide details on your archery experience (i.e. Tried Archery at a "Have a Go" session)


    Today's Date:
    Your Full Name:
    Your Digital Signature: