This year we are entered into the Selby Winter League which will be held from November to March. We will be entering 2 Recurve teams (6 archers), 1 Longbow team (2 archers), 1 Barebow team (2 archers) and 1 Compound team (2 archers). We will be shooting against other clubs from all over, so please shoot to represent us!
To take part, simply shoot a Portsmouth round under competition rules* with another archer and witness and sign your respective scores. Leave your completed score sheet in the score box and it’ll be entered into the monthly results. The dates are:
November | Monday 7th | to | Sunday 13th |
December | Monday 5th | to | Sunday 11th |
January | Monday 16th | to | Sunday 22nd |
February | Monday 6th | to | Sunday 12th |
March | Monday 6th | to | Sunday 12th |
As an extra incentive this year, Portsmouth badges will be awarded for scores shot these competitions! Award tiers are 400, 425, 450, 475, 500, 525, 550, 575, 580 and 585!
*Competition Rules
- Portsmouth competition shoots should be shot on a fresh 60cm, 10 ring face. Compound archers to use three spot faces with only the X ring scoring 10 points.
- Score sheets can be found in the score sheet draw in the green filing cabinet.
- Two ends of 3 arrows are allowed as practice/sighters. (6 shots total)
- Scoring starts immediately after, with twenty ends of 3 shots. (60 shots total)
- Scores should be called out by the archer and confirmed/filled in by the witness.
- If you are unsure how Portsmouth competitions are shot, just shoot your round with a more experienced archer and they will help guide you through the process.
- The first badge awarded will be free. Subsequent badges can be swapped for your lower badge at no cost or purchased outright for a small fee
- Lower ranked badges will not be awarded after higher ranks have been earned, except in different bow categories.
- Awarded badges are subject to availability.
Questions? – Jon McCullough (league@bowmenofharrow.org.uk)